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cef-od tablets 200mg (1 box = 1 strip)(1 strip = 10 tablets) Product Image

Cef-Od Tablets 200Mg (1 Box = 1 Strip)(1 Strip = 10 Tablets)

Rs. 299.30

Rs. 315.00



Cef-Od Tablets Specification

Requires Prescription (YES/NO)




Used For

Bacterial Infection

How it works

Like other cephalosporins, cefixime exhibits its bactericidal action by binding to specific penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) located inside the bacterial cell wall, causing the inhibition of the third and last stage of bacterial cell wall synthesis.

Cef-Od Tablets Usage And Safety



Side Effects

Diarrhea (if severe diarrhea occurs, cefixime should be discontinued), changes in the color of stool, nausea, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, vomiting, Headache, dizziness, seizures , Transient rises in liver transaminases,alkaline phosphatase and jaundice , elevation of serum amylase.

Drug Interactions

Anticoagulants , Carbamazepine , probenecid.


Cefixime is indicated in the treatment of the following infections when caused by susceptible strains of the designated microorganisms: - Uncomplicated urinary tract infections - Otitis media - Pharyngitis and tonsillitis - Acute bronchitis and acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis - Uncomplicated gonorrhea (cervical/urethral).

When not to Use

Cefixime is contraindicated in: Patients with hypersensitivity to any component of this medication. Patients with known allergy to the cephalosporin group of antibiotics.

Cef-Od Tablets Precautions


Cephalosporins should be given with caution to penicillinsensitive patients, as there is some evidence of partial cross-allergenicity between the penicillins and cephalosporins.

Cef-Od Tablets Warnings

Warning 1

Cefixime should be administered with caution in patients with markedly impaired renal function.

Warning 2

Treatment with broad spectrum antibiotics alters the normal flora of the colon and may permit overgrowth of clostridia.

Warning 3

Broad-spectrum antibiotics such as cefixime should be prescribed with caution in individuals with a history of gastrointestinal disease, particularly colitis.

Cef-Od Tablets Additional Information

Pregnancy category

Always consult your physician before using any medicine.

Storage (YES/NO)

Store this medicine at room temperature, away from direct light and heat.

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