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      Pk-Merz Tablets 100Mg

      Rs. 715.20

      Rs. 752.94



      Pk-Merz Tablets Specification

      Requires Prescription (YES/NO)



      Amantadine Sulphate

      Used For


      How it works

      Amantadine Sulphate is (I-aminoadamantan) a tricyclic, symmeteric amine with an antiviral activity against RNA & DNA viruses. Although exact mode of action of amantadine is not well understood, antiviral activity was found to be related to inhibition of viral uncoating and viral budding by interaction with the viral M2 protein which is a membrane protein. It has established role in influenza and is also used in Parkinson’s disease as an effective therapeutic agent having antagonistic action on NMDA-ion a channel in basal ganglia which comprehensively improves the troublesome symptom of rigidity, tremor and hypokinesia, particularly the psychic brightening and the increased interest in surrounding.

      Pk-Merz Tablets Usage And Safety


      Amantadine Sulphate

      Side Effects

      Sleep disturbances, restlessness and agitation. Visual hallucinations may be triggered, particularly in predisposed elderly patients. Occasional dryness of the mouth, constipation, dysuria, central nervous disturbances in older arteriosclerosis patients. Rare reports of cardiac arrhythmias such as ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation ,QT prolongation etc .

      Drug Interactions

      Anticholinergics can potentiate the action .


      It is used as an adjunct in triple therapy of Hepatitis–C ; As monotherapy in case of failed interferon response ; In Hepatitis-C in which ribavirin is contraindicated ; Parkinson’s syndrome ; Post-Zoster Neuralgia ; Drug induced extra pyramidal syndrome .

      When not to Use

      It must not be used in patients with: Hypersensitivity to Amantadine ; Prostate hypertrophy ; Narrow angle glaucoma ; Myasthenia Gravis ; Epilepsy .

      Pk-Merz Tablets Precautions


      Patients at risk of electrolyte imbalances, owing e.g. to treatment with diuretics, frequent vomiting and/or diarrhea, use of insulin in emergency situations or renal or anorectic conditions must undergo adequate monitoring of laboratory parameters and appropriate electrolyte replacement, particularly for potassium and magnesium.

      Pk-Merz Tablets Warnings

      Warning 1

      In the event of symptoms such as palpitations, dizziness or syncope, treatment with Amantadine Sulphate must be immediately discontinued and the patient checked within 24 hours for QT prolongation. If no QT prolongation is present, treatment with Amantadine Sulphate can be recommenced, taking into account the contraindications and interactions.

      Warning 2

      Amantadine was found to be embryo toxic and teratogenic. During pregnancy Amantadine should only be used after careful assessment of the risks and benefits.

      Warning 3

      Amantadine passes into breast-milk. If use during breast feeding is necessary, the infant should be monitored for possible side-effects of the drug (skin rash, urinary retention, vomiting) breast feeding should be discontinued where necessary.

      Pk-Merz Tablets Additional Information

      Pregnancy category

      Always consult your physician before using any medicine.

      Storage (YES/NO)

      Store this medicine at room temperature, away from direct light and heat.

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