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      polyfax skin ointment 20g Product Image

      Polyfax Skin Ointment 20G

      Rs. 160.60

      Rs. 169.05



      Polyfax Skin Specification

      Requires Prescription (YES/NO)



      Polymyxin B , Bacitracin

      Used For

      Wound Care

      How it works

      It is a skin ointment, which contains the active ingredients polymyxin B sulphate and bacitracin zinc. Polymyxin B sulphate and bacitracin zinc are antibacterials.

      Polyfax Skin Usage And Safety


      Polymyxin B , Bacitracin

      Side Effects

      Nephrotoxicity , sensitization.

      Drug Interactions

      Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, or have recently taken, any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription .


      It is used to help prevent infection of the skin following: • Minor burns • A skin graft being taken • Surgery • Accidental cuts, scratches or scrapes.

      When not to Use

      Do not use if you: • Are allergic (hypersensitive) to polymyxin B sulphate, bacitracin zinc, other similar antibiotics, or any of the other ingredients . An allergic reaction may include rash, itching, difficulty breathing or swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue.

      Polyfax Skin Precautions


      If a large amount is absorbed into the body it may cause damage to the nerves and kidneys. Therefore, if a large area of your skin is treated with this ointment your doctor should monitor your kidney function.

      Polyfax Skin Warnings

      Warning 1

      Long-term use may cause an increased growth of micro-organisms (germs) that are not affected by this ointment, such as fungi, and this could lead to an infection.

      Warning 2

      Take special care and speak to your doctor if you have a child using large amounts .

      Warning 3

      Take special care and speak to your doctor if you have a kidney disorder .

      Polyfax Skin Additional Information

      Pregnancy category

      Always consult your physician before using any medicine.

      Storage (YES/NO)

      Store this medicine at room temperature, away from direct light and heat.

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